
Franklin County Annex Building
823 Dinah Shore Blvd.
Winchester, TN 37398
Help Desk: 931-361-0167
Approved Learning Programs and Student Data Privacy Information:
- Approved Learning Program List
- Approved Learning Program List (Accessible Version).docx
- Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) Annual Notification
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Attention Teachers: Due to student data privacy laws, we are now required by state law to have a Data Privacy Agreement on file with ALL online programs/vendors. Please be aware when requesting an educational application that a Tennessee Standard Data Privacy Agreement will have to be on file in order for the Technology Department to integrate it and allow for its use. Most vendors will require a purchase of a program in order to enter into an agreement, they typically will NOT sign one for free versions of their product. You can find more information on Student Data Privacy above, as well as, a list of approved learning programs.