Director of Schools

From the Director's Desk:

I am extremely excited about beginning my journey as Director of Schools in Franklin County. As someone born, raised, and educated in the community, it is humbling to return and begin spotlighting and celebrating the numerous successes in our district. While reflecting on my educational journey, I strongly believe my skill set, experience, education, and passion for learning are aligned with our school district's mission statement. School leadership is essential to the daily operation of schools and districts. My focus is to Encourage, Empower, and Enhance all stakeholders. As teachers, support staff, or leaders, your impact is momentous. To lead requires courage, and to follow requires trust. The role of an effective leader is coupled with quality networking, field experiences, and commitment to the organization/profession. By working collaboratively for the advancement of all students, our community is in for an amazing treat. I look forward to working with our students, families, educators, and community. Let's be Franklin County Strong & Committed.


Educational History:

A.S.-Motlow State Community College (93)

B.S.-University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (95)

M.Ed-Tennessee State University (00)

Ed.S-Middle Tennessee State University (05)

Ed.D-American College of Education (20)


Field Experience:

Classroom Teacher-1st, 5th, 6th (6 yrs)

District At-Risk Coordinator for Middle School (1 yr)

Middle School Assistant Principal (2 yrs)

Elementary Principal (2 yrs)

Middle School Principal (17 yrs)

Adjunct Instructor @ MTSU (Graduate and Undergraduate) (5 yrs)

Conference Presenter (yearly)

Motivational Speaker (yearly)



Married (21 yrs)

Children (3)

Ordained Minister (33 yrs)


~Dr. Cary Holman-Director of Schools

Mission: Provide students the opportunity to achieve their potential in an environment conducive to optimal learning.


"Encourage, Empower, Enhance"